دورهها و کارگاهها
تاکنون 142 دوره، کارگاه و نشست حضوری و آنلاین در موسسات آموزشی و همچنین بصورت مستقل برگزار کردهایم...
معلم مدرسه زبان THink شوید!
ما به معلمهایی پویا، دانا و کوشا نیازمندیم.
فرم درخواست همکاری
April 28, 2023
This workshop will give English language teachers creative ideas to design and scaffold practical and fun learning experiences for teenager/adult learners to help them in their career journey. Smart lesson objectives will prepare language learners for job hunting, office life and the soft skills they will need in their careers.
مقالات Pearson English
Forward-looking Reflective Teaching
Young learners of English deserve more
Mind the gap in your English Lesson Planning
English for employability: why teaching general English is not enough!
مقالات eLearning Industry
Why hardware comes second in digital teaching
Negotiate the level of gamification in the digital materials you develop
Start with Web 2.0 to bridge the digital gap in your classes
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